Saturday, May 9, 2015

death by snu snu...

Dragon's Crown is a wonderful game that is reminiscent of old the school arcade classic Golden Axe. filled with wonderful, painted 2D visuals, Dragon's Crown is a game by director George Kamitani of Vanillaware, who are also responsible for games such as Odin's Sphere and Muramasa, the Demon Blade...
available for PS3 and PS Vita...


you'll notice immediately the unique character design by Kamitani, which often drew criticisms from western games media for the extremely exaggerated sensuality of the characters...

don't worry, lady's got spine to back her up...

but, were not here to talk about that, we're here because i found something i'd like to purchase in the future. being a fan of muscular female characters, i was pleasantly surprised that this came up for pre-order...

compare to Kamitani's art...
priced at $210, this item will be available in July...

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